The Counselling discrepancy


I recently had a session of one-to-one counselling. And after all these years, and attending a lot, really a lot of them, i have to come to a conclusion that there is one factor that all shrinks hit upon. Opening up.

No matter howmany things or stories one tells ’em, they are never satisfied. They are always looking for something more. (wish it were easy in my country to get a dose of ritalin without prescription ’cause that’s the only thing that motivates me to attend these so-called counselling sessions).

It’s like maybe they have to maintain some score chart which records how many people in a day they have pressurized to open up. And when the word ‘pressurize’ comes in, it’s no longer a counselling session, it’s a friggin’ fight.

And when there is nothing left to say, there comes a super awkward moment when you bo
th stare into each other eyes. Although it doesn’t last much time but it seems like an eternity. And it happens once in a while in almost all relationships when you are out of topics to talk on. It might seem impossible to most extroverts but it does happen and when it does, especially when the other side is senile, it creeps the shit out of me.

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