Pending Reveiw

The last two decades have seen a lot of minority groups bent upon making their voice heard and lifting themselves through thick and thin to constitute a change and shape up a society where minorities possess the same set of rights as by other groups. This revolution helped a huge section of the population to … More Pending Reveiw

Why. WhatsApp ?

Literature: WhatsApp’s recent update(v2.17.395) is up and rolling. With it comes a feature which let’s you delete your message from the online servers, but there’s a catch. You have to delete the message within a time gap of 7 minutes. Cool huh! With over 1 bill. users, the effect of any minor changes can be … More Why. WhatsApp ?

HUMILIATION – A Way to Success. Really ?

From the week-long orientation at my college, there is this one thing that has stayed with me till now and troubles me in my times of failure. It goes as – ” Humiliation is the true key to success. Everyone should take this path, journey, road, test or whateva’ without losing hope.” WELL…………….  if you see around, all … More HUMILIATION – A Way to Success. Really ?


I recently finished watching the 9th season of a TV show.* If you want me to hint on it, then: it is a TV show about a messed up family. And NO it’s not Modern Family or Family Guy or even Simpsons. Aargh!!!!!   {at this point I am starting to wonder why does so many … More Announcement

Bless You, Amazon!

Its been about a month or so since I first bought an Amazon Kindle from a retail store in my neighborhood (the store offered a great deal). It turned out to be great with all its new features. But I still don’t see much difference between a tablet and the kindle except the great deals … More Bless You, Amazon!

All ’bout Seconds

On my way home today, I witnessed an accident between two hatchbacks. The crash was super deadly. The crash got me thinking that what would have happened if I had left my school a second or ten, earlier ?  What would have happened if I had not stopped to say my goodbyes to my friends … More All ’bout Seconds